Actually the preview version of faceshift Studio 1.1.05 is already released. You can download faceshift studio 1.1.05 from this link. There is a discussion on this in the comments section of this link which say that it could be a beta version.
In this blog post I will describe why the
LCD-BMP (German: „Liquid Crystal Display – Backlight Module“) displays,
and why we are using it for the Zope-pluggable Web service.
The Zope-pluggable Web service
The Zope-pluggable Web service is a new web service
provided by the Zope-framework.
The web service allows a user to register a url and creates a service
object based on this url. This service object is accessible via web-browsers,
and also from other Zope applications.
Why the LCD-BMP displays?
As shown in the diagram below, the Zope-pluggable
Web service is based on the Zope-service locator pattern.
This service locator is based on the DynamicProxy-component
of the Zope-framework. The DynamicProxy locator is configured
using a ZCML file. The Zope-pluggable Web service
is a subclass of the base Zope-service locator class,
and uses the function getServiceDescriptors() of
the base locator to obtain a set of service descriptors.
The LCD-BMP displays the contents of the ZCML file,
which is the file shown in the diagram, and also the contents of the
web service URL, which is the „ in the diagram.
The contents of this URL are dynamically created, and are therefore
changing at every request to the Zope-pluggable Web service.
These contents are passed as parameters to the LCD-BMP, which then creates a VGA-resolution image from the parameters. This image is then displayed on the backlight.
How to make the LCD-BMP display
The image display is controlled using the
writeImage()-method of the LCD-BMP. The LCD-BMP
first loads the contents of the image, using the function loadImage()-method.
Using the setBackground be359ba680
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